68 名前が無い@ただの名無しのようだ (ササクッテロリ Spe7-JJYA []) sage 2016/11/28(月) 12:31:05.96 ID:8Hn02HV1p

[–]lucied13[S] 6ポイント 1日前
thanks. i rated it an 8 after i finished the story and was excited for the end game content but after doing all hunts and most side quests i give it 7.
most of the side quests go fetch this and go kill this (the monsters are palettes) the side quests arent that exciting except for a couple of them.
the hunts are mostly different color swap or higher level ones than normal.
there are some unique ones that are cool but in general its the same monsters over and over.
even the big monsters that look different act like the smaller version of them and dont do anything different. as i said there are some cool ones still.
the world itself is great and very nice to look at but is kinda empty overall when i compare it to a game like xenoblade
i feel it doesn't have enough wild life and should have had more in it.
dungeon design is what is best in the game most of the dungeons are really good and enjoyable and cant think of something bad about them.
for me 7 is still a good score and will still recommend people to buy it if the above doesn't really matter much to them (i skipped talking about story on purpose).