A: Yes sir, it really is for real. Tetsuya Nomura directs like a kid who had just downed
a bottle of Adderall and wants to create a retelling of The Matrix with Terminator.
Love the guy or hate him, his vision is enviable. I love working when he is in the building
and drawing on the meeting room boards. The burnout the team experienced with FFXV
was the most soul crushing shit I have ever seen. Meet mates would not make eye contact
with one another, people were sitting with their hands holding up their heads at their desk,
and Tabata would sometimes not be seen in the work environment for literally up to four
or five days at a time. We actually lost a bunch of good people simply because they thought
they failed themselves and the company. Imagine it, people were literally putting in their two week 
notices less than two months before the game was scheduled to go gold.
Now, people are standing over each other desks in awe, laughing, cheering,
and literally being blown away in progress report meetings as we see everything come together.
SE as a whole is fired up.
