

Odds for pulling a SPECIFIC unit from an orb of the indicated color:
Rarity Red Blue Green Colorless
Focus 2.27% 2.56% 3.49% 2.61%
4-star 2.06% 2.32% 3.16% 2.37%
3-star 2.37% 2.67% 3.63% 2.72%


If you haven't followed these types of numbers before, the numbers in the last table are actually surprisingly low.
The odds for ANY focus unit on this banner are definitely amazing, but those odds are split among so many characters
that the rates for SPECIFIC characters are even low compared to most normal banners, let alone the Hero Fests.
Not to mention that the increased rate of 5-stars as a whole means you will have less chance for your pity to build.
If you're a whale looking to get a +10, get ready to spend a lot on this banner. You won't be getting any offbanner pitybreakers,
which is cool, but expect tons of other focus units breaking your pity rate.

tl;dr: This banner gives you a very high rate for summoning ANY focus hero, but pretty bad rates for sniping a SPECIFIC focus hero.