
Towers Game
11 時間前(編集済み)
Hi all! this is the dev. We are so happy to see all the positive comments!
Please share and help spread the words to make this game a reality.
And YES! 80% of the videos recorded are network replicated gameplay footages
from a modified UE4 replay system. If you're a game dev,
you can appreciate the difficulty to make creature climbing multiplayer working.
And we mostly have it! only a few visual kinks left to polish.
Will have more updates as we get close to GDC.
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch the long trailer. We know it's a bit too long :P
Also, if you're a fan of an old mech game called Hawken, we are the same core developers.
Please visit our facebook page and share your ideas and thoughts!
Many of your guesses for our inspiration are dead on.
SOTC, BOTW, Nausicaa, Mononoke, Harvest Moon...omg I just realize they're all Japanese games! @0@