
Triangle rasterisation is 3.2 triangles per cycle.
3.2 x 2.0 GHz ~ 6.4 Billion triangles per second

Triangle culling rate is twice number triangles rasterised per cycle.
5.6 x 2.0 GHz - 11.2 Billion triangles per second

Pixel fillrate is with 4 shader arrays with 4 RBs (render backends) each, and each RB outputtting 4 pixels each. So 64 pixels per cycle.
44.8 x 2.0 GHz - 89.6 Billion pixels per second

Texture fillrate is based on 4 texture units (TMUs) per CU.
3 x 36 x 2.0 GHz - 336.0 Billion texels per second

Raytracing in RDNA2 is alleged to be from modified TMUs.