【ゴキ悲報】元ノーティードッグのスタッフがまたMSのThe Initiativeに入社!

@MrLGarcia: So happy to announce that this week I joined at The Initiative. This is an incredible team working on something truly special. It was so hard to left behind my friends at NaughtyDog. But I need to say thank you to @Xbox @XboxP3 to allow me be part of Xbox family! <3
「今週The Initiativeに参加したぜ!マジで特別なタイトル作ってるすげえチームだよ。ノーティードッグに友人置き去りにしていくのはホント悲しかったよ(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)