ドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

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2016/06/21(火) 13:33:42.49ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は発売元はエポック社です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:34:19.02ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は開発元はウィザードです。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:35:00.76ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は発売日は1998年11月27日です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:35:54.53ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は 通信ケーブル・ポケットプリンタ・スーパーゲームボーイ対応です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:36:36.70ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は価格は3,990円です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:36:58.43ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は好きなゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:38:34.01ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はプレイ人数は1人〜2人です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:39:10.80ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はタイトルでドラえもんの歌が流れ出す…と思いきやイントロ終了後曲が別の何かに変化します。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:39:57.59ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はストーリーもエンディングもあるらしいです。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:40:37.30ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はEDを見る条件は合計100000点獲得です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:41:20.72ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はEDを見る条件は合計100000点獲得ですが、ゲーム終了時に10倍して清算されるので実質10000点です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:42:16.67ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はEDを見る条件は合計100000点獲得ですが、ゲーム終了時に10倍して清算されるので実質10000点です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:43:01.13ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はゲームボーイの色階調を白・薄灰・濃灰・黒とすると、このゲームのキャラクターグラフィックは白を使用せずに残り3色のみで描かれています。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:44:51.67ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はジャラポン、みっつならんだ、ダイスでどん等のミニゲームが遊べます。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:45:59.03ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はゲームボーイの色階調を白・薄灰・濃灰・黒とすると、このゲームのキャラクターグラフィックは白を使用せずに残り3色のみで描かれています。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:47:28.50ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はカーソル移動がもたつく、画面切り替えやセーブ時に間がある、早送りはできてもすぐに消えないメッセージ表示などモッサリ気味です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:48:10.85ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は1人用ゲームでは各ゲーム終了時にいちいちセーブ実行の有無およびセーブ先ファイルの選択を求められます。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:49:37.82ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は説明書に「得点を上げていくと、ある機会から難易度が少しだけ上がります。でも、高得点をとったあなたならきっと大丈夫です。 」と書かれています。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:50:50.41ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのジャラポンはドラえもんのキャラ8人とタケコプター、どこでもドアが書かれたコマを揃える2人対戦専用簡易麻雀ゲームです。役は10種類です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:52:28.61ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのみっつならんだはランダムで配られるコマ9つを3×3の正方形のマスに任意で並べた後交代でスロットのようにシャッフルされるコマを引き、
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2016/06/21(火) 13:53:15.27ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのみっつならんだはランダムで配られるコマ9つを3×3の正方形のマスに任意で並べた後交代でスロットのようにシャッフルされるコマを引き、
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2016/06/21(火) 13:54:14.39ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのダイスでどんはドラえもんのキャラが書かれたコマ9つが横一列に1-9の順番どおり並べられています。2つのサイコロを振ってこれらをできるだけ多く裏返すゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:54:55.57ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのダイスでどんはドラえもんのキャラが書かれたコマ9つが横一列に1-9の順番どおり並べられています。2つのサイコロを振ってこれらをできるだけ多く裏返すゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:55:50.22ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのダイスでどんはドラえもんのキャラが書かれたコマ9つが横一列に1-9の順番どおり並べられています。2つのサイコロを振ってこれらをできるだけ多く裏返すゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:56:38.71ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのみっつならんだはランダムで配られるコマ9つを3×3の正方形のマスに任意で並べた後交代でスロットのようにシャッフルされるコマを引き、
ちなみにしずかちゃんが負けると「うんが わるかったわ」と言い出します。いわば公式の運ゲーです。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:57:31.63ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめくりっこは神経衰弱です。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:58:31.86ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめくりっこはただの神経衰弱です。それ以上でも以下でもないです。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:59:05.73ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめくりっこはただの神経衰弱です。それ以上でも以下でもないです。
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2016/06/21(火) 13:59:40.80ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめくりっこはただの神経衰弱です。それ以上でも以下でもないです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:00:25.88ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのきけんないっぽんばしはサイコロを振って手持ちの6つのコマを動かし、反対の岸までどちらが早く全て移動できるかを競う簡易すごろくゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:01:13.66ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのきけんないっぽんばしはサイコロを振って手持ちの6つのコマを動かし、反対の岸までどちらが早く全て移動できるかを競う簡易すごろくゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:01:42.64ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのきけんないっぽんばしはサイコロを振って手持ちの6つのコマを動かし、反対の岸までどちらが早く全て移動できるかを競う簡易すごろくゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:02:28.19ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのきけんないっぽんばしはサイコロを振って手持ちの6つのコマを動かし、反対の岸までどちらが早く全て移動できるかを競う簡易すごろくゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:03:39.74ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのあてっコゲームは縦に3つ伏せて並べられたコマの絵柄と場所を当てるゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:04:18.58ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのあてっコゲームは縦に3つ伏せて並べられたコマの絵柄と場所を当てるゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:05:05.06ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのあてっコゲームは縦に3つ伏せて並べられたコマの絵柄と場所を当てるゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:06:16.31ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のジャンルはミニゲーム集です。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:07:11.89ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのたたきっこは3×3の正方形上に並べられたコマを1分間叩きまくるもぐら叩きです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:07:41.36ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのたたきっこは3×3の正方形上に並べられたコマを1分間叩きまくるもぐら叩きです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:20:46.31ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのたたきっこは3×3の正方形上に並べられたコマを1分間叩きまくるもぐら叩きです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:21:39.93ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのたたきっこは3×3の正方形上に並べられたコマを1分間叩きまくるもぐら叩きです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:22:43.22ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのたたきっこは3×3の正方形上に並べられたコマを1分間叩きまくるもぐら叩きです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:23:38.74ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのたたきっこは3×3の正方形上に並べられたコマを1分間叩きまくるもぐら叩きです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:24:56.95ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのたたきっこは3×3の正方形上に並べられたコマを1分間叩きまくるもぐら叩きです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:26:04.18ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめいろゲームは見下ろし型の迷路ゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:26:45.10ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめいろゲームは見下ろし型の迷路ゲームです。迷路全体は見通せずスクロール方式です。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:27:25.25ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめいろゲームは見下ろし型の迷路ゲームです。迷路全体は見通せずスクロール方式です。時間内にスタート地点からゴールへたどり着けば成功です。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:28:12.06ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめいろゲームは見下ろし型の迷路ゲームです。迷路全体は見通せずスクロール方式です。時間内にスタート地点からゴールへたどり着けば成功です。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:28:57.85ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめいろゲームは見下ろし型の迷路ゲームです。迷路全体は見通せずスクロール方式です。時間内にスタート地点からゴールへたどり着けば成功です。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:29:42.15ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめいろゲームは見下ろし型の迷路ゲームです。迷路全体は見通せずスクロール方式です。時間内にスタート地点からゴールへたどり着けば成功です。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:30:33.40ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのめいろゲームは見下ろし型の迷路ゲームです。迷路全体は見通せずスクロール方式です。時間内にスタート地点からゴールへたどり着けば成功です。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:31:46.78ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのはたあげゲームはいわゆる「赤上げて、白下げて」のゲームです。旗はボタンを押し続けると上げ、離すと下がります。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:32:28.21ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのはたあげゲームはいわゆる「赤上げて、白下げて」のゲームです。旗はボタンを押し続けると上げ、離すと下がります。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:33:06.45ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのはたあげゲームはいわゆる「赤上げて、白下げて」のゲームです。旗はボタンを押し続けると上げ、離すと下がります。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:34:02.03ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのハーフパイプゲームはスケボーに乗ってハーフパイプを往復し、両端に出てくるドラ焼きを取るアクションゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:34:34.65ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのハーフパイプゲームはスケボーに乗ってハーフパイプを往復し、両端に出てくるドラ焼きを取るアクションゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:35:07.72ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのハーフパイプゲームはスケボーに乗ってハーフパイプを往復し、両端に出てくるドラ焼きを取るアクションゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:35:47.01ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのハーフパイプゲームはスケボーに乗ってハーフパイプを往復し、両端に出てくるドラ焼きを取るアクションゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:36:40.69ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのドラヤキスロットはドラ焼きを入手するとプレイできるようになるスロットゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:37:17.41ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのドラヤキスロットはドラ焼きを入手するとプレイできるようになるスロットゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:37:53.68ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのドラヤキスロットはドラ焼きを入手するとプレイできるようになるスロットゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:38:32.98ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのドラヤキスロットはドラ焼きを入手するとプレイできるようになるスロットゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:39:44.67ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのドラヤキスロットはドラ焼きを入手するとプレイできるようになるスロットゲームです。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:40:45.13ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのドラヤキスロットはドラ焼きを入手するとプレイできるようになるスロットゲームです。
絵柄を揃えるとひみつ道具図鑑が開放・図鑑のデータが手に入り通信交換もできる、というコレクション要素が追加されますがやはり運頼みな所は変わっておらず評価点にはならないです 。
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2016/06/21(火) 14:41:39.23ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのドラヤキスロットはドラ焼きを入手するとプレイできるようになるスロットゲームです。
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 14:43:05.16ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10のミニゲームのドラヤキスロットはドラ焼きを入手するとプレイできるようになるスロットゲームです。
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 14:44:44.89ID:PlTdbrOC0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は本体1台とソフト1本のみの対戦プレイにも対応しています。
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 15:48:52.65ID:wsAT1MJf0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:50:54.51ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:51:16.83ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.25%
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:51:29.75ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.7845124807458095620784123%
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:51:55.22ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.5841726540748051230652149704514784168073%
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:52:09.32ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.ANDY
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:52:36.99ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.j3%
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:53:01.56ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.45698745123%
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:53:32.64ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.51%G6
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:53:47.02ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.100%
垢版 |
2016/06/21(火) 22:54:04.09ID:J7Mf2+OB0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV.g
垢版 |
2016/06/24(金) 16:11:57.19ID:GlN4eP390
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::
垢版 |
2016/06/24(金) 16:18:56.34ID:MwkQ4UGo0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

垢版 |
2016/06/27(月) 14:59:20.07ID:qen3wNLg0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は持ってます。
垢版 |
2016/06/27(月) 15:40:28.78ID:YOYdIj4y0






垢版 |
2016/06/27(月) 17:39:05.03ID:diFIJKG10

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

垢版 |
2016/06/29(水) 23:09:46.50ID:UzstNVIw0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は持ってます
垢版 |
2016/06/30(木) 02:15:57.30ID:B5CJFVNB0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

垢版 |
2016/07/09(土) 14:24:07.33ID:dakIn5ub0
垢版 |
2016/07/10(日) 00:22:22.43ID:mAxaCdZc0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

垢版 |
2016/07/13(水) 14:30:42.06ID:QhpN4j1j0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はいつもプレイしてる。
垢版 |
2016/07/13(水) 15:26:59.99ID:V9Ev15570

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

垢版 |
2016/07/13(水) 16:33:21.24ID:BcmS3Qnu0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
垢版 |
2016/07/13(水) 22:45:02.14ID:QhpN4j1j0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10はいつもプレイしてる
垢版 |
2016/07/14(木) 00:10:19.06ID:ZQ3iLQ/X0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

垢版 |
2016/07/14(木) 12:31:00.63ID:GWqFVcRy0
ゲームボーイソフトのドラえもんのGAME BOYであそぼうよ デラックス10は持ってます。
垢版 |
2016/07/14(木) 20:44:32.15ID:vxW4a5/m0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 11:27:02.25ID:SbUJQJJK0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 11:32:03.44ID:SbUJQJJK0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 11:36:40.61ID:SbUJQJJK0
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:13:27.11ID:mxXbLgNc0

84 人中、80人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

★☆☆☆☆5つ星のうち 1.0 これは音楽ゲームと呼べる代物ではありません, 2016/3/24

垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:18:38.42ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:18:58.90ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but wsystemere mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:19:18.60ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been runnsageing the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:19:44.85ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consystemsolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:20:04.97ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodygusageards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:20:50.06ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few dsageetails have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:21:09.32ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence frsageom the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:21:38.51ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by Nrorth Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the fesagemale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:21:58.14ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the fesagemale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:22:40.62ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have besagen running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:22:56.28ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candsageidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:23:12.30ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candireborndate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:23:28.02ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jlongung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:23:45.38ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few desagetails have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:24:01.45ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the pubrebornlic eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:24:21.26ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the ferebornmale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:24:39.85ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence frorebornm the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:25:00.31ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists bhorrorased in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:25:17.91ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast serisageously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:25:38.36ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence frorebornm the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:25:55.46ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a devrebornice which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:26:14.62ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidvictiating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:26:37.79ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succsageeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:26:54.37ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacageteuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:27:15.47ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leadvictiing candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:27:33.61ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET
The ensuing blast seriendously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:28:36.26ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:29:24.70ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:29:44.52ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronourebornnced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:30:06.38ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leadsysteming candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:30:24.85ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by Nohorrorrth Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:30:57.47ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, arebornnd few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:33:22.36ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:36:42.55ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:37:19.41ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:39:32.94ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. p&#226;tissier accident horror stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:40:14.26ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. reborn
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. p&#226;tissier accident horror stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:40:37.66ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. p&#226;tissier accident horror stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful inforsagemation.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:41:04.80ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. p&#226;tissier accident horror stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at conrebornsolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:41:33.35ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. p&#226;tissier accident horror stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. mountain
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:42:30.38ID:sP9fVCjY0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. p&#226;tissier accident horror stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. heavy
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:43:30.64ID:YVC/hsPS0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. p&#226;tissier accident horror stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE HAARP
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete heavy
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. mountain
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:45:17.53ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. response guilty reject lifesystem
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. systemerror onry lete it ne
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. p&#226;tissier accident horror stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:45:37.96ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. p&#226;tissier accident horror stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete sage
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:48:55.48ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:49:21.49ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, beforebornre his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:49:41.57ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the fesagemale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:50:16.63ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by Nonextrth Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists basreborned in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-systemjung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:50:46.98ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful inforresponsemation.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:51:09.07ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been comptargetletely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:51:25.89ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading cavigilndidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:51:41.23ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leadsageing candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:51:58.69ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriosageusly wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:52:18.82ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succsageeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:52:38.37ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been compsageletely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:52:56.02ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suihorrorcide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:54:04.67ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously thinkdighost townfferentwounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:54:29.86ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete target
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:54:56.34ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. ion
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:55:28.17ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:56:13.28ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:57:06.70ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few detarebornils have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:57:25.11ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the yousagenger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:57:46.07ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calsageling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:58:08.29ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. mostdivel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:58:35.35ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. meltdown
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 18:58:53.83ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets hsageave speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:00:17.18ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:01:08.66ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blackast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:01:25.08ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy diresagector of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:01:39.37ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the femalreborne suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:02:00.29ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direcsagetion.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:02:15.63ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy directorresponse of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:02:41.35ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go life
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:02:56.23ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:03:14.07ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who amosageng the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:03:35.89ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy diresagector of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:03:55.08ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy dirionector of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:04:15.92ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean sWorker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:04:32.88ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from wondthe public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:04:53.32ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claresponseim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:05:14.31ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete sagewond
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:05:41.52ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:06:32.81ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by Northsa Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:06:52.34ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but wsaere mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:07:09.50ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast weresponsere interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:07:31.49ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete most
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:07:53.16ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the youngersa Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:08:12.04ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jsystemung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:08:29.75ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlresponseets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:08:51.31ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has beesystemn completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:09:10.34ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete horror
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:09:34.84ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go knife
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:10:01.37ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a poresponsewer vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:10:25.43ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have beensystem running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:10:43.16ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calrebornling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:11:04.79ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have berebornen carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:11:22.46ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.” horror

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:11:48.08ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exrebornhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:12:15.88ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been runningsystem the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:12:40.58ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy directorhorror of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:12:58.74ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading canagetedidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:13:17.34ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostlydelete too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:13:37.70ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy directhorroror of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:14:02.28ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence frrebornom the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:14:21.44ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the fehorrormale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:14:39.30ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at conshorrorolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:14:57.96ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriorebornusly wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:15:24.87ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets havsagee speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:15:44.66ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy direcsagetor of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:16:08.95ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts clairebornm that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:16:28.32ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been runholdning the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:16:49.13ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy dirrebornector of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:17:16.02ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy direrebornctor of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:17:37.23ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been tarunning the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:17:56.46ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been runholdning the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:18:15.46ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculholdated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:18:39.66ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the femsale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:19:06.56ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of depusagety director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:19:24.86ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the femsageale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:19:50.59ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLRIOLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:20:18.49ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been rupowernning the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:20:43.20ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the ferebornmale suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:21:10.50ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blasagest were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:21:30.17ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, befsageore his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:21:50.24ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful inforsagemation. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:22:08.70ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy diresagector of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:22:27.40ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the women in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:22:49.94ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, beresponsefore his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:23:09.18ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-sajung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:23:29.21ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOSAMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:23:52.25ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the femasagele suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:24:14.36ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, befosystemre his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:24:36.02ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from thsysteme public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:25:01.12ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuumsage among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:25:23.09ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLISAFENG EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:25:40.05ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commesagented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:26:00.58ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts clairesponsem that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:26:23.66ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been runrebornning the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:26:51.06ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the femasagele suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:27:16.23ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:27:35.05ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half thholde men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:27:58.71ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, befionore his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:28:17.34ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, beholdfore his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:28:40.98ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the menne in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:28:57.44ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the meqn in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:29:16.93ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the femalehorror suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:29:44.92ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, befsystemore his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:30:08.98ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibitsystemion ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:30:35.05ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, befrebornore his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:31:01.59ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commsageented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:31:25.19ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commrebornented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:31:51.72ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, bfore his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
垢版 |
2016/07/15(金) 19:32:15.00ID:zIlBDuWm0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack afterlife it is wave long vigil
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK, HELL knife code freedom off Par
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber. frewond stower tower go
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard. meltdown afterlife lete
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang. stower life missresponse freedom
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction. death divel
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt. WELCOME TO HELL POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS DONT GET SAFE
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. meltdown Gaia
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011. calling feather triathlon is main
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times. exhibition ghost town it reject onry
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidrebornate. complete
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information. shadow
One excepafterlifetion was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING
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