さっきWGから『Wargaming Data Deletion Request』って件名のメール来たんだけどなにこれ?
ENG noobの俺には分からないんで誰か翻訳してくりゃれ


You've received this email because (1) you have a Developer account (use Wargaming Developer Room) and accepted the Wargaming API Terms of Use or
(2) you are a Wargaming partner who receives data from us and accepted the Data Protection Agreement.

According to the Terms of Use and the Data Protection Agreement, you must delete personal data obtained from us without undue delay.

Please consider this email as a request to delete all data that you process on behalf of Wargaming Group Limited, Wargaming.net Limited,
Wargaming World Limited, or any other Wargaming company for the following Wargaming ID(s) (also referred to as SPA ID).

This request was created because the mentioned user(s) have objected to processing of their Wargaming.net account(s) data.

If you do not store personal data or you cannot link the mentioned Wargaming IDs to the data you store, this requirement does not apply to you.