
284 ピカチュウ (ワッチョイ dfee-Cn9/)[sage] 2023/04/07(金) 08:50:16.14 ID:Z0iVgeHV0
Niantic voting

We had an issue in our system where too many reviews were assigned to Niantic.
We return most of them back to the community and started returning the upgrades which were used on submissions which were then assigned to Niantic (only happened if you'd put a HOLD on your submission and upgrading it).

Niantic に割り当てられたレビューが多すぎるという問題がシステムにありました。
これはその後 Niantic に割り当てられました (サブミッションに HOLD を設定してアップグレードした場合にのみ発生しました)。