覇者任天堂、最新GPUパスカルを2器(メモリ6GB+4GB)も搭載、ドック装着時はTitan X相当 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
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2017/03/04(土) 20:29:32.68ID:Vy79dnRS0
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2017/03/04(土) 20:38:13.01ID:NyecjWrA0

ゲーム業界に激震、任天堂スイッチはGeForce GTX 1080相当を2基搭載

投稿日:2016/10/21(金) 11:34:28.55 ID:D0ing1f4d ?PLT(12015) ポイント特典

A few weeks back, we talked about reports from Eurogamer that claimed that the Nintendo NX would house a Tegra X1.
We also talked about how old that technology was and that it would not be able to keep up with modern titles and that it would not be suitable for a console of this day and age.
It seems we were right with those speculations, and now a report suggests that instead of the Tegra X1, the Nintendo NX could house the Tegra X2 chip.

Sources that are working close to the Nintendo NX claim that the chip being used is from Nvidia but it is not the Tegra X1.
Right now, the Tegra X2 is not being called the X2 and it is named “Tegra-next” which is likely to be Parker.

The Tegra X1 released last year has four ARM Cortex-A53 cores coupled with Maxwell GPU.
Tegra X2 chip on the other hands features four ARM-based Cortex-A57 cores along with two homegrown Denver2 cores.
It will feature latest gen Pascal GPU.
The same architecture that has been used in the latest Nvidia GPUs, GTX 1080, 1070, 1060 and the Titan X.

Tegra X2 is using a 16nm process and will take advantage of the unified CPU and GPU.
This means faster processing between the two components.
These are still rumors though and until there is official word from Nintendo or Nvidia, we cannot be sure that any of this is true.
But the Tegra X1 is just not enough to power the Nintendo NX and it seems that Tegra X2 would be a better match for the device.

Right now, all we can do is wait and see when we get to hear more about the Nintendo NX and when the company will be making an official statement.
All this will be much clearer when there is an official word.

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