
Current BCG vaccination?


BCG Strain

Mostly Pasteur Institute, Paris; also Statens Serum Institute

Year of changes to BCG schedule

1989, 1995, 2013

Details of changes

1989: Stopped vaccinations for healthcare or other at-risk workers, medical/nursing students;
1995: Targeted population reduced to TST negative persons, mostly children of parents from high-risk countries;
2013: BCG vaccine considered optional to 1. children of parents from high-risk countries < age of 5 2. persons working in healthcare 3. healthcare workers in contact with multi-drug resistant TB patients

BCG Supply Company

RIVM (Netherlands), Merieux Institute (France), Sanofi Pasteur (France), and Statens Serum Institute (Denmark)

Details of shortages/stockouts

Post 1989, after national production was stopped, BCG was no more available on the market in Belgium
and had to be imported. Due to shortages in manufacturers, BCG could not be imported from 2015-16.
Currently, it is impossible to administer the BCG vaccine in Belgium.