
00:00-00:30 - Introduction by Koizumi
00:30-02:30 - Showcase of 3DS titles
switch from here on out
02:30-05:25 - Yoshi's Crafted World
05:25-05:55 - Pikmin 4 teaser
05:55-07:35 - Pokemon Let's Go
07:35-09:00 - Showcase on Travis Strikes Again then a sizzle reel of upcoming nindies.
09:00-10:30 - Story trailer for Torna The Golden Country
10:30-11:00 - Story teaser for SMTV, labeled '2019'
11:00-14:45 - New Super Mario Maker, includes slopes and a SMB USA tileset, and an improved music maker.
14:45-15:15 - new peripheral in physical copies of NSM Maker - Nintendo Switch Mouse Controller
15:15-15:45 - Quake Champions is coming to Switch, free to play, will allow use of mouse peripheral.
15:45-18:00 - Introduction and overview of Nintendo Online service.
18:00-21:30 - Demonstration of the NES library for online subscribers and the additional functionality.
21:30-24:00 - Reel showcasing some new free content in online games such as MK8D, Splatoon 2, and Mario Tennis Aces.
24:00-25:30 - Koizumi announces that every Switch owner will get a two week free trial of Nintendo Online, including the NES library and other perks and hands the direct to Sakurai.
25:30-30:00 - Sakurai showcases the online offerings in Smash Ultimate,
30:00-31:00 - teases the icon hidden in last direct
31:00 - 33:15 - reveals Ms. Pac-Man as an echo of Pac-Man and Klonoa as an assist trophy.
33:15 - 35:00 "one last thing" New Character trailer- Elma from Xenoblade Chronicles X.