>彼はまず些細な文法的ミスを指摘するやつを軽蔑するという日本語を思いついたと思うんだ そしてそれをそのまま英語に翻訳しようとした

That’s not what I did. That’s the last thing actually.
I DESPISE all that crap about translating Japanese into English or vice versa, which is prevalent in entrance exams in Japan.
I believe that it does more harm than good, so I try to switch to “English Mode” when I’m writing stuff in English.
That’s not to say that I’m arrogantly self-assured that I can think just like American do.
I’m just trying to.


You use either “hate” or “despise” according to how intense your feeling is.
When you hate it so bad, you despise it, and because I hate Grammar Nazi’s so bad, I despise them.
It’s just that. It’s not your business to tell me how to say what I want to say.


You can define anything the way you like.
It’s completely legit for you to claim that a language should be primarily the means for communication.
It’s completely alright for you to think that muddling your writing with unnecessary fluff is a bad idea.
I won’t say anything if you believe that writing is all about clarity and that's all there is to it.
BUT on no account are you to force your ideals onto others, in this case, me.
My idea of what a language should be is quite, if not completely, different from yours.
I like playing with words, I like using new words that I’ve learned. I like adding words that doesn’t necessarily have to be there.
If you don’t like it, just skip it. It’s not up to you to decide how I should write.
I just like the way I write. You like the way you write. Each to their own.