G: In the past, Kadokawa Games has been pretty PlayStation-Centric. Now it seems you’re expanding towards other platforms, but we still saw a PS4 exclusive announcement for LoveR.
Do you prefer focusing on a single console, or releasing for all?

YY: I’m a creator, Producer, and the President of the company, but as a creator myself, I’d always like the largest possible audience to play my games. Personally, I always prefer to develop my games as multiplatform.

Of course, we allow other Producers to set their own strategy.
If one of our Producers has a special relationship with a specific platform or sees particular conditions that a specific platform can provide, he can choose the best way to achieve the success of the game.

For instance, Sugiyama-san has a good relationship with Sony, so LoveR will be on PlayStation. I let our Producers decide what is best for the games.