
Q: I really like the worlds that I’ve built in the old version of Minecraft. Can I play them in Minecraft?
A: Yes, worlds from Minecraft: Xbox One Edition will already be there waiting for you in the play screen, so that you can continue playing. We are still working on exactly how this will work on Nintendo Switch.

A:はい、Minecraftの世界:Xbox One Editionは既にプレイ中の画面であなたを待っているため、プレイを続けることができます。私たちはまだこれがNintendo Switchでどのように動作するか正確に取り組んでいます。

Q: Are there infinite worlds in Minecraft?
A: Yes! And, if you play with a world from Minecraft: Xbox One Edition or Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition it will keep generating more world when you get to the old edge of your map.

A:はい!そして、あなたがMinecraft:Xbox One EditionまたはMinecraft:Nintendo Switch Editionの世界で遊んでいれば、あなたはマップの古い部分に辿り着くと、より多くの世界を生み出し続けるでしょう。