Greetings 旧DUST514プレイヤーのぽまえら,

Take advantage of this limited - one time - opportunity and claim a single DUST 514 character name, belonging to an account that is linked/registered to ぷりけつゆかちゃんラブ email address.
This name will be carried over into a new first person shooter being developed by CCP Games.

You must claim your DUST 514 name 旧DUST514プレイヤーのぽまえら by 28 October 2018, as all unclaimed characters and accounts will be reset and their unique names will be made available to other players.

Any potential DUST 514 Veteran Rewards will only be made available to accounts that have a claimed character. As the first exclusive Veteran Reward,
we will grant the unique "PHOENIX" Dropsuit, representing the rebirth of the mercenaries, its firmware being designed by Arkombine and issued to Molden Heath veterans only.

Unclaimed names will be wiped with no chance of Veteran Rewards. Please note that only those characters that fulfill any and all requirements made and decided
by CCP Games are eligible for potential rewards mentioned above.

In the case of multiple characters, the character name with the longest history and most progression has been provided, which is 旧DUST514プレイヤーのぽまえら.

All you have to do is follow this link and the directions found on the page.

If you wish to retain a different character name that is also tied to this email address, please follow the above guidelines first, and then contact support@projectnova.ccpgames.com.

To find out more about the game and its development, please subscribe to our newsletter.

- The DUST 514 / Project Nova Team