えーとXSX/XSSもLZとBCPackの2つに対応した HW Decompressor を積んでるのですが…


Hardware Accelerated Decompression:
Game packages and assets are compressed to minimize download times and the amount of storage required for each individual game.
With hardware accelerated support for both the industry standard LZ decompressor as well as a brand new, proprietary algorithm specifically designed for texture data named BCPack, Xbox Series X provides the best of both worlds for developers to achieve massive savings with no loss in quality or performance.
As texture data comprises a significant portion of the total overall size of a game, having a purpose built algorithm optimized for texture data in addition to the general purpose LZ decompressor, both can be used in parallel to reduce the overall size of a game package.
Assuming a 2:1 compression ratio, Xbox Series X delivers an effective 4.8 GB/s in I/O performance to the title, approximately 100x the I/O performance in current generation consoles.
To deliver similar levels of decompression performance in software would require more than 4 Zen 2 CPU cores.

Xbox Series Xでは、業界標準のLZ解凍ツールに加え、テクスチャデータ用に設計された独自のアルゴリズムであるBCPackをハードウェアアクセラレーションでサポートしているため、開発者は品質や性能を損なうことなく、大幅な圧縮を実現することができます。
圧縮率を2:1とした場合、Xbox Series XのタイトルへのI/O性能は実質4.8GB/sとなり、現世代のゲーム機の約100倍のI/O性能を実現します。
同程度の解凍性能をソフトウェアで実現するには、4つ以上のZen 2 CPUコアが必要になります。

あとPS5も積んでるのは kraken の HW Decompressor のみで、圧縮には対応してない